Thursday, October 1, 2009

Club for Men

I find it humorous to hear women around the office speak about their husbands. Lazy, stupid, fat, short, bald, reckless, oblivious, emotionless, uncaring and mean are some of the printable adjectives you may hear around your water cooler spoken by women about “their man”. Man bashing is almost to a level of professional sport (which if it becomes one it will be completely over run with men, and there-bye implode in on itself!)

My question is why? What kind of relationship are you in if you feel the need to trash talk your spouse to your co-workers? Is it some kind of feminine code? If you really feel that way, why do you stick around? If you really feel that way, why do you share that with people, and set your husband up to be judged when he shows up at the next company function?!? Why not challenge your husband by sharing such glowing remarks that he feels like he has to live up to them instead. Call someone an ass and that’s exactly what you will get.

Kris had a friend you got married shortly after her and Craig. Craig still remembers this friend walking into their home and asking all the other ladies who were sitting there, “do you all hate your husband as much as I do?” and then proceeded to go into a tirade about her husband. Kris and Craig talked about this after and found it incredibly disturbing; especially when you know the background. You see this friend had married her husband by process of elimination. Within a span of a week she had relations with three different men. When she became pregnant (imagine that!) who did she choose to marry? The one with the richest family of course!! I guess when you marry a guy because he gives good credit you have a right to complain?!?!? Needless (and thankfully) to say, that marriage didn’t even make their first anniversary.

That’s just one of the times that stick in my mind. Kris has numerous friends who make bashing their husbands their hobby (and thankfully many who don’t!) Craig knows plenty of women like that too! It once again begs the question, why? If you love someone, what is the purpose of running them down to friends and co-workers? If there is a true problem, don’t they deserve to be spoken to first? If they won’t or don’t listen, then maybe it’s time to take the next step. You really owe it to yourself and others to be happy.

Lets face it, men are just as (if not more) guilty. What are you waiting for? Staying together for the kids? What, to show them how to spew garbage about their parent to other adults?!?! Come off it people. Time to wise up. There is no excuse for it. If you love someone you don’t trash them behind their back. You talk to them and work out whatever is bothering you. You have respect for the ones you love, or you have to move on . . .

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I agree. I want to relay a snippet of a phone conversation I had recently.
    I was talking to this woman who suddenly paused and said, "Oh, just wait a moment, I have to kiss my husband good-bye, he's leaving for work."
    In the back ground I heard her say to her husband, "I love you, have a great day!"
    This wasn't a blissful newlywed I had been speaking with, it was my mom. She was wishing my dad off to work. They have been married for 40 years. And not ONCE in my life do I ever remember an unkind word between them.
